Finding Balance!

“I had hit my rock bottom when I joined online with Tea, starting this program with her was a gentle process, which was the best approach for me mentally. Starting out with a meal plan only, de stressing and getting enough sleep - my results were amazing in just a short 2 months. Six months in, with meal prep, light exercise, taking the time for me mentally was a life changer. I didn't need to workout 7 days a week for 2 hours and live on only brocolli alone, and it wasn't all about working out. I had always fluctuated with my weight, eating clean to the extreme, everytime I would slow down, I would rebound weight. The entire program was more about finding a balance that was sustainable, being gentle with yourself, and creating a positive relationship with food and a healthy lifestyle. I have continued to use the tools that she gave me, these positive tools have trickled into other areas of my life as well, working with Tea and her program was amazing. I am going to be a mama soon and I cannot wait to try out some of her new Sexy mama programs in the future!! Thank you so much Tea! “


Tea Cuk